Grand opening, up to 15% off all items. Only 3 days left

Select books for gifts for the year -end and New Year holidays!Thirty people who purchased the book of the K & M planning room for gifts presented three tickets for "Marie online yoga 60 minutes lesson"!Utilizing recording and distribution to eliminate the collona!

Recommended books are practical books such as exercise, food, and travel.Introducing a stylish binding book that can be decorated in the living room from the book of the K & M Planning Office that sticks to "enjoy, read, read, decorate and decorate!"

High School Entrance Examination What is an effective and efficient study method? Explanation of the preparation schedule up to the entrance examination | Benesse Educational Information Site

Preparing for high school entrance exams What is studying to pass the school of your choice? In order to study for high school entrance exams, first of all, hold down three points. "Know your own weaknesses and weaknesses" "Proceed with a study method that suits you" "Study efficiently in a limited amount of time...

【世界一かんたんなみそ作りの本】発売/実は…たった〝ひと晩〟の発酵で作れます! 炊飯器を使った〝ひと晩発酵みそ〟は手軽なだけじゃない! 驚きの健康効果も!!

●世界一簡単で画期的なみそ作り〝ひと晩発酵みそ〟とは?炊飯器で保温をして作ることで、酵素が働きやすくなり、一般的には半年以上かかる発酵が、なんと、たった” ひと晩” で、できあがります! カビなどの心配もな...