[Interview] YAASUU, local love and new ground "French and dialect collaborated" in the major works of the singers from Miyakojima. YaaSuu, an artist who is an identity of Tweet Miyakojima, has reached a startling new frontier.His first major distribution "Quinzinne" has a very unique finish.◆ ... 04/03/2023 3286 Views READ MORE
"Big"?How do you read "Tsubaki"?It happened in the recent political bureau [Brain training Kanji 10] | Sarai.jp | Shogakukan's magazine "Sarai" official website Recently, with the spread of personal computers and smartphones, the opportunity to write characters has decreased.Because of the influence, is the "kanji that can be read but can't write if you try to write"?I was able to write smoothly before ... 03/03/2023 3655 Views READ MORE
How can I create music with Deep Learning? -Builders.flash ☆ -Builders. Hello, this is Urabe, a machine learning solution architect in AWS.Everyone, do you suddenly live a good music life!? I also love listening to music and playing! By the way, now Ramones * ... 02/03/2023 3674 Views READ MORE
Select books for gifts for the year -end and New Year holidays!Thirty people who purchased the book of the K & M planning room for gifts presented three tickets for "Marie online yoga 60 minutes lesson"!Utilizing recording and distribution to eliminate the collona! Recommended books are practical books such as exercise, food, and travel.Introducing a stylish binding book that can be decorated in the living room from the book of the K & M Planning Office that sticks to "enjoy, read, read, decorate and decorate!" 01/03/2023 2108 Views READ MORE
Katakana English 12 viruses and themes that are not transmitted in English -speaking countries as they are --PEACHY -Live -News PEACHY Why can't you say it as it is?One of the reasons why Katakana is not conveyed is not only the English -speaking -speaking -speaking -speaking derived users in Japan, but also German and French. 28/02/2023 2245 Views READ MORE
I wanted to make Messyori Produced by Recruit all the time ── Full -scale recipe for those who want to cook "shrimp" at home [Sichuan cuisine amazing people] Anyone who dislikes shrimp chiri is the amazing person of Sichuan cuisine, a Chinese restaurant in Nihonbashi, the chef, Ryoji Hitosu, and Yoshitsugu.This time is the classic shrimp.I like shrimp.... 27/02/2023 1458 Views READ MORE
小栗旬、英語力が原因で「ゴジラvsコング」出演シーン10分に「仕方ない」との声 (2021年7月15日) - エキサイトニュース The Hollywood debut by the actor Shun Oguri seems to have become a bit bittersweet."NEWS Post Seven" is an article distributed on July 12, telling Oguri's dissatisfaction, saying, "It's different from the story I heard!"Oguri will be released on July 2 ... 26/02/2023 2268 Views READ MORE
<Snow Man> New song "Addicted to Love" Eight gaps that intensify swamps <Iwamoto / Raul / Sakuma> REC Ver. Of Snow Man's new song "Addicted to Love" has been released.This is a new song on the first album "SNOW MANIA S1" scheduled to be released on September 29, 2021. 25/02/2023 709 Views READ MORE
That ASH is a cat ear!?Beautiful man's beauty "R6S" x "Arc Knights" collaboration rust summary | Inside Facebook Twitter Hatebu Pocket * This article does not touch the core of the scenario, but there is a part that touches the early development.Please be careful when browsing."Rainbow Six Siege (R6S)" collaboration will be held on August 18 at "Arc Nights" provided by YOSTAR ... 24/02/2023 2316 Views READ MORE
ONE N 'ONLY Official Blog - ヾ (@ ⌒ ー ⌒ @) ノ - Powered by LINE Good evening ~ It's Umeo Sato, thank you for your hard work all day today!!By the way, I was very happy to have a plum party alone on Instagram at Instagram, so I was very happy to be surrounded by a lot of plums -hair color for a few months ... 23/02/2023 2270 Views READ MORE
[Manga] What is "NATO Fonetic Code" like the two Aikotoba spells?(December 20, 2021) --Exite News There are many "words" in the world, not only for lovers, but also between friends and local residents.One of them is the "NATO Fonetic code" to prevent mistakes in the alphabet.If you use it between a couple, you will be addicted.... 22/02/2023 2377 Views READ MORE
Successful "Sanko scene" of the Academy Awards ceremony that the world drew Speaking of the Academy Awards ceremony, there are plenty of surprising moments and laughter scenes every time.This year's award ceremony scheduled to be held on April 25 (local time) will be broadcast from multiple places for safety reasons, but among them, the character ... 21/02/2023 2303 Views READ MORE
High School Entrance Examination What is an effective and efficient study method? Explanation of the preparation schedule up to the entrance examination | Benesse Educational Information Site Preparing for high school entrance exams What is studying to pass the school of your choice? In order to study for high school entrance exams, first of all, hold down three points. "Know your own weaknesses and weaknesses" "Proceed with a study method that suits you" "Study efficiently in a limited amount of time... 20/02/2023 2301 Views READ MORE
One dish devoted! "Simple, delicious, very satisfying!" "You can eat a meal at home with just one dish" KADOKAWA Co., Ltd. KADOKAWA Co., Ltd. (President: Tsuyoshi Natsuno, Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, hereinafter referred to as KADOKAWA) announced on Saturday, September 25, 2021, “Easy, delicious, very satisfying! ] has been released... 19/02/2023 2174 Views READ MORE
【世界一かんたんなみそ作りの本】発売/実は…たった〝ひと晩〟の発酵で作れます! 炊飯器を使った〝ひと晩発酵みそ〟は手軽なだけじゃない! 驚きの健康効果も!! ●世界一簡単で画期的なみそ作り〝ひと晩発酵みそ〟とは?炊飯器で保温をして作ることで、酵素が働きやすくなり、一般的には半年以上かかる発酵が、なんと、たった” ひと晩” で、できあがります! カビなどの心配もな... 18/02/2023 2217 Views READ MORE