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You can use it instead of a detergent even though it is a food!The kitchen dirt is also shiny with the "Magical Powder Baking Series of House", which is synthetic detergent and chemical ingredients zero!

Live -a -News door Fumi's "Magic Powder Baking Soda of House" and "Magical Powder Baking Series in House" (600g capacity, suggested retail price 438 yen including tax, on sale) are the leading signboard series.The goodness of the natural cleaner is even better ...

If I use a dishwasher who is serious about water work and is not good at work ...I can no longer return to a life without a dishwasher | Gizmode Japan Facebook Twitter YouTube RSS Machi-Ya Facebook Twitter YouTube Gizmodo FUZE

Suddenly Nakagawa is not good at water work.Allergy and sensitive skin, using dishwashing detergent causes rough skin and thinning nails.Because treatment and care are indispensable, I asked a maid overseas.However, only washing in Japan ...