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China, the regulation of "unequal wealth" ... aiming for "joint wealthy" by eliminating poverty | Business Insider JAPAN

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President Xi Jinpaira describes the ceremony at the award ceremony of the "Shichizomura", which is the highest honor of the Chinese Communist Party.In the People's Great Hall in Beijing, China.June 29, 2021.

Ding Lin/Xinhua Via Getty Images

According to the Chinese state -owned media, Xinhua, President Xi Jinping said on August 17 to launch excessive wealth regulation to secure the "common prosperity" of the country.This report has shown that China will take a stronger attitude in the future for domestic unauthorized wealth distribution.

According to Xinhua, this was announced at the 10th Conference of the Chuo Finance Committee.The conference was also attended by Prime Minister Li Kaei, Wang Yang, president of the National Committee of the People's Political and Commerce and Commerce, and officials of each ministry and agency.

The Chinese authorities have said at a meeting that they had taken a gentle economic policy that allowed some people and regions to be rich first.According to the meeting, the authorities promised that the meeting would expand the middle class in China and increase the income of low -income earners.It is said that "excess high income" is said to be regulated to allocate wealth more equally, but the meeting has not been cleared in the definition of "excessive" high income.

中国、「不平等な富」の規制へ…貧困をなくして「共同富裕」を目指す | Business Insider Japan

Insider asked the Chinese government to comment on the matter, but did not answer.


China has grown in the past 20 years, and GDP, which was $ 2.23 trillion (about 245 trillion yen) in 2000, grew to $ 11.8 trillion (about 1296 trillion yen) in 2020.。In 2020, despite the pandemic, the main country was the only economic growth in the world.

However, the disparity of this country is intense.In 2020, Bloomberg reports that the wealthy 20 % of the wealthy 20 % of the wealthy 20 % earned more than 10 % of the poorest 20 %.According to the World INEQUALITY DATABASE (World Income Database), in 2018, the top 10 % of the top 10 % of the national income accounted for 41 %, and only 40 % of the low -income income..It was 4 %.

President Xi Jinping has been promising to eliminate extreme poverty within 10 years, aiming for a moderately rich society since his inauguration in 2012.In 2020, China has achieved this goal in eight years, claiming that it has saved about 100 million out of the 1.4 billion population from extreme poverty.However, there is 1 poverty line of the World Bank (indicator of the minimum income that can buy what you need for life).While $ 90, China's poverty line is 1.Reuters report that it is $ 69 that some experts argue against the truth of this claim.


[Original sentence: CHINESE OFFICIALS SAY THEY WILL LOOK TO REGULATE 'Wealth within the Country as IT Faces Down a Massive Wealth Gap]

(Translation: ITO YASUKO, edit: toshihiko inoue)

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