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[Released on October 20] Japan's first!The release of the Estonian cuisine recipe book "Travel Estonian Cooking Recipe" will be released | URICA press release

"Traveling Estonian Cuisine Recipe" Collection

Book name: "Traveling Estonian Cuisine Recipe-THE ESTONIAN HOME COOKING RECIPES-" Author: Keiko Sasaki: 2,200 yen (excluding tax) ISBN: 978-4867539903 B5 Works Pages: 116 Pages Amazon / Estonian restaurant's onlinePlease purchase it at a shop or at the store nationwide (listed at the end).・ Amazon: https: // www.Amazon.Child.JP/DP/4867539902/・ Estonian restaurant: https: // Estonianavi.Childm/product/estonianbook/

 Estonian restaurant is a mobile restaurant that started in 2018.Until now, we have provided Estonian cuisine in many workshops and events.This time, in addition to the recipes provided in those workshops, the author himself traveled around Estonia over cooking, faithfully reproduced the local recipes learned at each household, and a book was completed.From appetizers to sweets, and how to make 100 % rye bread, which is also an Estonian staple food, is released at once.

This book has three features.

  1. ​日本で作れる材料なのに、現地の味が再現できるレシピ
  2. 料理と自然が一体になった色彩鮮やかな美しいビジュアル
  3. 著者が実際にしたエストニア各地料理の旅を書き下ろしコラムで再現(食の特産品の地図つき)

There are full tips for making and making, such as [Note] and [POINT]

 The first is that it is carefully selected as a material that can be procured in Japan, adjusts and reproduces recipes so that it can be made at home.Overseas recipes are fun to see, and you will dance to different cultures.However, if you try to make it, you often find that there are many materials that can only be obtained in the field, the amount to be measured varies, and the temperature and humidity do not work well.

 In this book, not only the recipe body but also many adjustments for adjustments, assuming that it will be reproduced in a Japanese family, TIPS.By reproducing this recipe, you will be able to enjoy the local taste of Estonia at home in Japan.The second is a colorful visual with food and nature.

 IT立国などで有名なエストニアですが、人々が暮らす環境は大変自然豊かで、住宅地からもあっという間に森へと足を踏み入れることができます。森からは、季節になれば多くの恵みがもたらされます。エストニア人たちは森へ入って、その日の分だけベリー類を摘み、料理に使います。料理にベリーや自然の恵みが多いのはそんな環境と共存するエストニアの人たちの知恵が、レシピに凝縮さえているからでしょう。 本書には、こうした自然と料理のつながりをできるだけビジュアルにも取り込み、まるで庭や森の中でピクニックをしているかのようにリラックスして料理を楽しんでいただきたいという思いが込められています。

 Third, the author's own journey columns of Estonian cuisine are published everywhere in this book.These columns have a story of Estonian people who have met while learning each recipe.


The map written on the page represents the area where you came across the recipe.In addition to this, the top is a map that includes special products from Estonia, along with a fun illustration.

A wealth of photos are also used for this column.Not only the landscape, but the expression of the people we met there will carry the air of Estonia to our eyes.Why don't you enjoy the column as if you were traveling until you cook?

Author's close shadow

著者  佐々木敬子 (Keiko Sasaki)食文化研究家。各国を旅しながら現地の料理教室や家庭で味を修得。バルト三国最北の国エストニアに出会い、日本でエストニアの食文化を広める活動開始。2018年より駐日エストニア共和国大使館のレセプション、駐日欧州連合代表部などに料理の提供協力。その他、企業向けレシピ開発、食文化講演などを行う。料理教室「エストニア料理屋さん」、バルト三国情報サイト「バルトの森」主宰。エストニア料理屋さんhttps://estonianavi.Childm/バルトの森 https://baltnomori.Childm/

・ ATTACHEMENT (Tokyo) ・ Kielotie (Tokyo) ・ Hiruneko BOOKS (Tokyo) ・ Tokutama Himitsuki COMORIVER (Saitama) ・ CACHE-CACHE (Aichi) ・ BALTIC ROSE (Hiroshima) ・ Central Processing store (Okayama)


・ SPBS Shibuya Main Store (Tokyo)

・ LINI Karuizawa (Nagano)

Venue: Estonian Embassy Conference Room

We will hold a press presentation on the same day of the release.(In addition, participation is an invitation system for the event of the corona.)

Date and time: Wednesday, October 20 14: 00- Place: Estonia Embassy Conference Room Address: 〒150-0001 2-6-15 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Access: 9 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Gaienmae

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